Communicate Your Way To A Better Relationship
A 4-week course that is designed to give you a roadmap back to the deep intimacy and connection you desire.
Communication Video Series
Videos introducing each session topic to help you get in the right mindset for success.
- This includes:
- Learning the art of communication
- Being present, attentive and tuned in
- Living beyond your triggers
- Moving from conflict to compromise
- Each course section has 3 parts:
- A Video to watch
- Session Notes to read
- An Activity Section to complete which includes Discussion Questions and Action Steps.

Communication Guide
This is an interactive course. You’ll have notes, discussion questions, and actionable steps to make the most out of this.

Plus you get these bonuses:
30 Days of Connecting Questions
($27 value)
30 conversation starters that you can use to practice with your partner and improve your communication skills.

7 Days of The Marriage Playbook
($15 value)
You’ll have access to the 7 day sample of The Marriage Playbook. The Marriage Playbook. This will give you daily actional steps and activities to keep you intimately connected to your partner.