As we approach that time of the year, when we say goodbye to gloomy weather and hello to sunshine, I am reminded of all of the different ‘seasons’ that we go through in life.
Some are difficult seasons, that feel like they go on for a lifetime, and some are seasons that are full of hope, vision and expectation.
The truth is, that every season in life is beneficial and a very normal part of life.
Summer can bring happiness and joy; Autumn brings discomfort and pain; Winter brings self-reflection, and then Spring brings an opportunity for learning again.

The transition through each of these seasons is simply a reflection of our human nature, but if we embrace the process, growth happens. Personal growth, spiritual growth, marriage growth, life growth!
Just like a child endures growing pains as part of its maturity, so we develop into all that we were meant to be through trials, challenges and pain.
Yes, Summer is where everyone wants to be (me included!!!), yet the very essence of Summer would not be the experience it is, had you not experienced the challenges of Autumn and Winter. It’s in those times where change and growth is birthed, as we learn the qualities of stickability, patience, commitment, strength, integrity and empathy.
The key is, how we respond in those challenging times. Do you respond with blame, complaint, entitlement or victimization, or do you use it as a growth opportunity. A chance to enlarge your capacity and grow you on the inside!
I know it’s not a popular message, yet it is essential to understand, so that we don’t make life altering decisions based on our hard times. Because change is on its way!
The seasons of life are as temporary as the raindrops that are falling on your head, as the thunder that is raging outside, or as the wind that is blowing up the storm. None of these events will last forever, but they will teach us things about ourselves, others and life, if we let them.
So, embrace your season! You don’t have to love it, you can just let it be!But let it be framed by the understanding, that your moment is a thread in the tapestry of your life, that will make more sense one day.
Don’t walk the journey alone!Greater things are yet to come – I’m believing with you!